Page 43 - Fiji Traveller 2024 Issue 6
P. 43
groups. But as we practised every week, we started to feel this the show, says being a pastor’s kid, the role he plays is nothing
bond of being a family,” says Bautani. new to him. “I’ll just follow my father’s ways,” he laughs.
Bautani’s character in the show is Donna “who is a smart, A singer with Pasifika Voices, the 24-year-old says he is
carefree girl. When she wants to do something, she does it,” looking forward to having the accessible performance. “I have
she explains. a 13-year-old brother who understands sign language. So I’m
When it comes to memorising scripts, “IT’S A LOT,” Bautani happy that we’ve brought in a sign language interpreter because
says while laughing. “Yeah, there’s a lot of lines, and the weight I want my brother to experience the show as well,” he says.
is actually on me because I have the most parts and the most Urban Hip-Hop dance duo, Akuila and Adriel Tuivaga, better
songs in the show,” she adds. known as Tuinz, say dancing takes a whole lot of discipline and
“Singing is easy for me. It’s like drinking water, but script commitment. “One of my old bosses told me, ‘You can teach a
reading is a learning-process. Our Director, Michael [Payer], has monkey how to dance’. It means that even if you have no skill,
been really patient with us and teaches us how to act and react. you can do it as long as you put in the work,” says Akuila.
It’s been an amazing journey so far, and I love it,” says Bautani. They will play the roles of Pepper and Eddie. “The dance style
Pioneering Fiji opera singer, Justin Hickes, says being part of we’re bringing into Mamma Mia! is more towards the jazz-genre
the show has “challenged everyone to come out of their comfort so it’s something new for us,” says Adriel.
zones”. Hickes will be playing the role of Sam. “Sam is one of “Our dance technique is different compared to Tevita
the three dads invited to Sophie’s wedding, who’s arrogant and Tobeyaweni, the choreographer for this show. We’ve just learnt
proud, and very different from who I am in real life,” he says. to adapt and learn as much as we can, and do it to the best of
In order to immerse himself in the character, the 29-year-old our abilities,” Akuila adds.
Namosi lad said: “I had to watch the movie a few times, and I Another notable mention is Lia Daunakamakama, who is the
had to read my lines over and over again to really understand youngest cast member. She will play the central role of Sophie.
who Sam was. The 16-year-old says she auditioned for the show due to her
“With this Broadway musical, I had to really step away from love for the movie and its soundtrack. Her favourite songs are
my classical singing habits. That’s another challenge in itself,” ‘Our Last Summer’ and ‘The Winner Takes It All’.
Hickes says. Daunakamakama is also a member of the V5 band and local
“There’s so much talent in Fiji that I’ve really come to know dance company, Moana Loa. “At Moana Loa, we learn how to do
of, especially with this musical. We have so many world class drama… It helps with my preparations for the show but it’s still a
talents, and I think a lot of people can look forward to seeing that little challenging for me to sing and dance at the same time. It’s
at the show. This musical and all artists involved will take the been tough but also very exciting,” she says.
standard of music in Fiji, even in the Pacific region, to another
level,” he adds. Tickets to see MAMMA MIA! The Musical are now available
Timi Raiwalui from Kadavu, who plays Father Alexandrios in via TicketMax: