Page 39 - Fiji Traveller 2024 Issue 6
P. 39

Highlights from the Fiji Fringe Festival 2024 program

       Dance                               As  a  homegrown  singer-songwriter  and   Island Adventures
       Manava                              multi-instrumentalist  from  the  Island   VOU is an explosive and vibrant Pacific
       Blackbox, Performance Space         of  Rotuma  in  Fiji,  Skillz  FJ  is  a  proud   experience  that  transports  you  to  our
       March 13                            advocate  of  his  unique  heritage  and   island  paradise  rich  in  ancient  stories,
                                           embraces  island  life  in  everything  he   tradition and culture. Through the medium
       MATA                                does,  sharing  it  with  audiences  world-  of live music and dance, VOU (meaning
       MATA brings hip-hop dance culture with a   wide.                      new in Fijian), is the blending of old and
       Fijian flavour to the world.        Known for his larger-than-life personality   new, traditional and contemporary.
       Japan-Pacific ICT Centre            that  shines  both  onstage  and  off,  he  is   VOU Hub, Nadi
       March 20                            passionate  about  creating  memorable   March 17, 21
                                           experiences   through   performances
       TUINZ                               that  celebrate  diverse  cultures  and   Jordan Rooks - 3 Magic Wishes
       Twins,  Adriel  &  Akuila  Tuivaga  are  an   bring  communities  together.  With  his   Las  Vegas  Magician  Jordan  Rooks
       urban/open style hip-hop dance duo.  vast  range  of  talents  and  dedication  to   returns  to  Fiji  with  an  all-new  family-
       Oceania Pavillion                   developing  personal  connections,  don't   friendly Aladdin parody magic show! This
       March 21                            miss this opportunity to catch up with one   show is high energy has lots of audience
                                           of our best loved artists, back in Fiji for   participation.
       Music                               one week only.                    VOU Hub, Nadi
       Yanu Boyz X Etta Gonerogo           Oceania Pavillion                 March 19
       Get ready for a night of pure Fijian magic   March 19                 Blackbox, Performance Space
       as the Yanu Boyz and Etta Gonerogo join                               March 20, 22, 23
       forces  for  an  unforgettable  co-headliner   Ben Masirewa
       show at the Fiji Fringe Festival 2024! This   The one-man musical genius.  Comedy
       is not just a concert; it's a celebration of   Oceania Pavillion      Rasa and Yasi
       Fijian music, family, and fun that promises   March 23                2 Brothers and Comedy
       to be the highlight of the festival.                                  VOU Hub, Nadi
       For  three  electrifying  hours,  the  Yanu   Family shows            March 18
       Boyz  will  bring  their  infectious  energy,   Matt Young- Circus Carnival Cabaret
       fusing  traditional  Fijian  sounds  with   Roll  up,  roll  up!    Join  the  circus  with   Comedy Night
       contemporary  beats  that  will  have  you   international  musical  theatre  star,  Matt   Oceania Pavillion
       dancing the night away. Etta Gonerogo,   Young.    Hear  the  story  of  Mary  Ellen   March 20
       with  her  soulful  voice  and  captivating   Atkins, the local girl who ran away from
       stage presence, will take you on a musical   her small town to join the circus, and Matt  Theatre
       journey that transcends genres.     Young, the Broadway performer who ran   Vagina Monologues
       Japan-Pacific ICT Centre            away from the city to live in the Outback!     This  theatre  performance  will  include
       March 15                            Matt  the  Ringmaster  will  entertain  you   several pieces from Eve Enseler’s Vagina
                                           with  songs  from  Broadway  and  beyond   Monologues and a few original pieces by
       Skillz FJ                           about  the  circus,  whilst  recounting  his   Fijian women. It removes the shame often
       Experience  the  extraordinary  from  the   own journey from Broadway to Blackall.  associated with the word “vagina” and the
       man that brought you "Soup Tavioka".  Blackbox, Performance Space     vagina  itself  and  instead  celebrates  the
       Since migrating to Australia for his family   March 17, 18, 19, 20    word, celebrates women!
       in 2020, Skillz FJ has become the fastest                             Blackbox, Performance Space
       growing Musician on the Sunshine Coast.                               March 21

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