Page 24 - Fiji Traveller 2023 Issue 5
P. 24

Yasa guide

        Photo: Samantha Magick             Levuka

          Levuka makes a memorable first impression. Arriving by sea,     of a unique landscape.”
        colourful storefronts and historic buildings are framed by the   Fijian writer Mary Rokonadravu, who spent 12 years schooling
        forested slopes of an extinct volcano rising sharply behind the   in Levuka, has described it as “a crash course in the history of
        township.                                            Fiji, a time capsule, a microcosm of almost 200 years of contact
          Levuka, as Fiji’s first capital (1874-1882), is a town of many   history.
        firsts.  It  is  a  significant  cultural  world  heritage  site  under  the   “As  a  writer,  my  stories  and  style  of  telling  come  from  this
        United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation   beach town that is a tapestry of human migration, dispossession,
        (UNESCO), and while the benefits of this designation are yet to   loss, resilience, and hope.
        come to fruition, for a long weekend, it provides visitors with a   “To visit Levuka is to encounter art and history.”
        chance to take it slow and soak up some history alongside some   Levuka was declared a sister town to Hawaii’s Lahaina, which
        fresh sea air.                                       was so tragically razed by fire recently. Both towns were ports
          While a Heritage Bill to provide for the domestic application of   for whaling ships on their way to New Zealand in the 1800s. The
        the World Heritage Convention is still to make its way through   devastation of that town is a stark reminder of the transience of
        parliament—with calls from townspeople for more consultation—  history and the vulnerability of our heritage.
        UNESCO  recognises Levuka  as:  “A rare  example  of a late   Here are some tips for a weekend in the first capital.
        colonial  port  town  that  was  influenced  in  its  development  by
        the indigenous community which continued to outnumber the   Where to stay
        European settlers.                                     Levuka  Homestay:  Hosts  John  and  Marilyn  offer  simply
          “Thus the town, an outstanding example of late 19th century   decorated but lovely rooms in a lush garden. Marilyn’s breakfasts
        Pacific port settlements, reflects the integration of local building   are legendary for their generosity and variety. Don’t plan for a
        traditions by a supreme naval power, leading to the emergence   heavy lunch, this multi-course feast and its home-made elements

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