Page 23 - Fiji Traveller Issue 4
P. 23

A Disappearance in Fiji

        By Samantha Magick                                  experience would be in a fictional setting, where you can sort of
                                                            get immersed in the world and hopefully move through it as the
         A new detective novel set in Fiji brings to life a time rarely   characters move through.”
        discussed  beyond  academic  texts;  the  experiences  of  Indian   Writing A Disappearance in Fiji involved deep research at the
        labourers under Girmit.                             Fiji National Archives, and hours and hours of reading The Fiji
         A Disappearance in Fiji  follows  Akal  Singh,  a  25-year-old   Times  on  microfiche  there.  Modified  snippets  from  the  paper
        Sikh police officer, sent to Fiji in disgrace after an indiscretion   appear at the start of each chapter. For descriptions of the time,
        in his previous posting of Hong Kong. He does not want to be   such as the ‘lines’ or living quarters of the Indian families, she
        in Fiji, and his new boss does not want him there either. Then   relied on official documents regulating their size and structure,
        he is given the task of investigating the disappearance of an   writing from missionaries and some photos. A bigger challenge
        indentured  Indian  woman,  Kunti,  and  is  quickly  exposed  to   was understanding what the workers and their families would
        the  complexities  of  local  politics,  the  indenture  system  and   have been feeling. “That I've had to imagine basically, based on
        its injustices, perceptions of women in this world, and deeply   all of the things I've heard of what actually happened; I had to
        entrenched racism.                                  imagine what their reaction would be,” Rao says.
         Writer Nilima Rao was born in Fiji, migrating to Australia with   By the end of A Disappearance in Fiji, Akal has begun to think
        her family when she was three years old. She says growing up   about  Fiji  differently.  Life  in  the  Indian  communities  he  visits
        she did not know much about the lives or stories of her ancestors.   during  his  investigation  stir  memories  of  home,  and  he  finds
        In writing A Disappearance in Fiji, she was focused on depicting   friendship with a fellow policeman and a crusading doctor.
        Fiji for readers with little understanding of the country’s history,   Similarly,  writing  the  novel  has  changed  the  way  Rao  now
        and who might wonder ‘why there are so many Indians there’.  thinks about Fiji and her connection to the country.
         So  what  does  she  hope  local  readers  might  take  from  the   “I think  I have more deeper understanding of the experience of
        novel?                                              Indians, and  to a lesser extent, I hope that I understand iTaukei
         “I would hope that for the Fijian Indians, or the Indians like me   people a little bit better,” she told Fiji Traveller. Her two months in
        who are descended from the Girmitiyas , that  it would give, not a   Fiji in 2016 researching the novel “was the first time I went to Fiji
        sense of pride necessarily, but a sense of an acknowledgement   on my own, without my parents, as an independent adult. And
        of that history, that it's important and relevant and  not something   I got a much greater appreciation of just how to how to function
        to  be  ashamed  of.  I  don't  know  if  that  sense  of  shame  is   in Fiji. I would never have said before that it felt like home and I
        something I have correctly interpreted, but that was the sense   still wouldn't necessarily say it felt like home, but it feels more like
        that  I  always  got,  that  it's  just  something  we  don't  talk  about   home than it used to.”
        because it's negative and it's in the past and so let's just move
        on from it.”                                         A Disappearance in Fiji is the first book in a trilogy set in Fiji. To
         Rao adds: “I know that there's plenty of academic texts out   read more about Rao’s writing process and her books to come,
        there that talk about [the Girmit experience] but this is a little   visit
        bit  different  in  the  sense  that  it's  trying  to  imagine  what  that

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