Page 20 - Fiji Traveller Issue 3
P. 20

Spartan to conquer

                                      Sabeto foothills

                   By Alipate Pareti                           training. So there’s a group of hardcore people
                                                               who love doing the hurricane heat and they are
                     The  Spartan  Games  has  earned  the     getting excited because of Fiji and the different
                   reputation of being the world’s leading obstacle   experience it will provide.
                   race course and it is coming to Fiji this year.  “On  Saturday  will  be  an  ‘Endurance  Day’,
                     Spartans were one amongst the most feared   that is a 50km race and there will be a 21km
                   and formidable forces in the ancient Greek   marathon race. So a very big day on Saturday
                   world, withstanding the Persian Empire to   - early start and late finish for the teams. In the
                   their last breath. You may recall learning about   50km race, the athletes will have a 14hr time
                   Sparta  in  ancient history  lessons, or seeing a   limit to complete the race. So it’s a very long
                   heavily-fictionalised version in the movie ‘300’.   and tough day but it’s part of the Spartan brand,”
                     Now  modern  and  friendlier  (yet  very   Heverin adds.
                   competitive) Spartans will set foot in Sabeto, Fiji,   To close off on Sunday, is the ‘Super and the
                   thousands of miles away from the Mediterranean   Sprint’. “The Super is the 10km Spartan race and
                   from 9th to 12th November this year.        the Sprint is the 5km race. So basically, anyone
                     Plans to hold the Spartan Games in Fiji were   who looks after themselves and is interested in
                   put on hold for the last few years due to Covid.   keeping  fit  and  healthy  and  is  frequent  to  the
                   Spartan  Games  Managing  Director,  Chris   gym  can  easily  do  a  5km  race. And  the  5km
                   Heverin says, “We started discussing with the   includes the archery event and people do love
                   Fiji  Government  back  in  mid-2019…so  we’re   getting involved in that,” said Heverin.
                   really pleased to reinvigorate discussions and   Tourism Fiji and Fiji  Airways are working
                   enter in agreement to come to Fiji and we’re   closely with  the Fiji government  to ensure
                   really excited about this.”                 the Games’ success, with special deals and
                     The actual route of the Spartan obstacle   packages to make competitors’ stays safe and
                   course is yet to be disclosed,  but the general   convenient.
                   location will be around the thick lush terrain of the   Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism Minister,
                   Sabeto ‘sleeping giant’ foothills and mountain   Viliame Gavoka says, “In terms of direct
                   ranges. The organisers are keeping that secret   economic benefit, the event organisers forecast
                   safe for now as we wait for the participants.   a total revenue of approximately $12 million per
                     The program actually runs over four days,   annum - this includes $1.2 million by the event
                   Heverin  says. “There’s  a ‘Spartan trial’  on   organisers and $10.8 million by the participants.”
                   Thursday which is an important part of the    They are also hoping competitors and their
                   Spartan experience. On Friday, during the day   families will arrive a little early to enjoy a little bit
                   will be ‘Kid’s Day’ and our courses are especially   of Fiji while they acclimatise themselves under
                   modified for kids from 8 - 12 years of age. And   the tropical Fijian weather, or stay on after they
                   one of the great things about the kid’s race is   compete  to  recover  and  explore  more  of  the
                   that the parents are allowed to go on the course   country.
                   with their kids.
                     “Also on Friday evening is the ‘Hurricane
                   Heat’.  The hurricane heat is like the SAS   overview
                                                                  Spartan Race Australia/NZ

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