Tag: Women

Vagina Monologues: A celebration of women’s voices
| 2 Comments on Vagina Monologues: A celebration of women’s voicesBy Prerna Priyanka In a bold move to amplify women’s voices and challenge societal taboos, the upcoming Fiji Fringe Festival is set to feature a riveting theatre performance of Eve Ensler’s renowned “Vagina Monologues.” Roshika Deo, a prominent figure in Fiji’s gender equality movement and the driving force behind the production, says the performance will […]

Cash on the mat
| Leave a CommentThe Rise Beyond the Reef story By Ariela Zibiah Salanieta Utobota, and her husband can plan for their children to attend boarding schools and complete university education confidently, while sitting in their Bukuya home in the highlands of western Viti Levu. That they are able to plan for all four children’s education without having to […]

Jasmine Yee Joy Bland: A woman of the metaverse
| Leave a CommentBy Samantha Magick When Los Angeles based Jasmine Yee Joy Bland finished speaking to a group of Fijian highschoolers recently, she was swarmed by girls wanting to ask further questions and take selfies together. Bland had featured on a panel organised by Fiji Fashion Week, describing her career as a data analyst and opportunities in […]

Bale showcases masi craft at Women’s Expo
| Leave a CommentBy Kite Pareti An elegant masi wedding dress hangs high on a frangipani tree for visitors to see. The designer, Asinate Bale, who hails from Nabasovi village in Koro island, says she has been pursuing her passion for five years. “I usually purchase my masi from Suva and I make clothes out of it like […]