Page 29 - Fiji Traveller Issue 1
P. 29

Kitchen table politics

              Supporting the world’s human rights activists from Suva

       By Samantha Magick                                     “In  the  Asia  Pacific  region,  we  have  some  of  the  highest
                                                            numbers of deaths and disappearances of human rights
         At the height of Fiji’s Covid-19 wave last year, one Fijian woman   defenders,” says Buadromo. “So the need for this sort of fund
       was working from her kitchen table in Suva to help arrange the   was very clear right from the beginning.
       evacuation of women activists from Afghanistan.        Buadromo describes herself as the main resource mobiliser,
         Virisila Buadromo is the co-lead at Urgent Action Fund Asia   working  with  a  team  spread  across  Asia  and  the  Pacific,  to
       and Pacific, a feminist grantmaking organisation that provides   mobilise funds and support.
       emergency  funding  to  women  and  non-binary  human  rights   However her role changed in August 2021, as the situation in
       defenders in the first ten days of any kind of crisis.  Afghanistan erupted.
         UAF Asia and Pacific is part of a sisterhood of funds (in the   The likelihood of the need to respond in Afghanistan was first
       U.S.,  Africa  and Latin  America),  and  the  most  recent to  be   flagged in 2020, when advisors based in that country started to
       established.                                         warn of the likely implications of the U.S. pullout.

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