Tag: Jack's of Fiji
Chef Chand’s culinary creations
/ | 1 Comment on Chef Chand’s culinary creationsBy Kite Pareti As a teenager, Nilesh Chand dreamt of becoming a car mechanic. But life took a different route when he and his family left his hometown to find greener pastures. “I’m originally from Tavua. When we moved to Nadi, I joined the hotel industry and started working as a commis [novice] chef,” he […]
Carving out a future, and a past
| 2 Comments on Carving out a future, and a pastBy Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti Jack Isaac Junior’s woodcarving skill is an inherent talent that is shared by his clan, and their relationship with Jack’s of Fiji is an extraordinary one that has lasted generations. “My grandfather and father used to sell their carvings at Jack’s Handicraft back when it was just a small shop,” Junior recalls. […]
Singh’s hard work pays off
| 1 Comment on Singh’s hard work pays off“If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way” is one of the things Gyan Singh has learnt after almost 30 years in retail. Singh is a Sales Executive Officer with Jack’s of Fiji in Nadi. The most fulfilling part of his job, he says, is meeting people from various continents […]