Page 27 - Fiji Traveller 2024 Issue 6
P. 27

and hundreds of pearls from their harvests twice a year. And we   newborn child. We dried it out in the sun and then set it in resin. It
        have a whole group of die-hard customers who wait for these   was the first time I'd ever made it, so they trusted me, which was
        harvests,” said Sandy.                              really nice. The whole process took about a week, and it turned
         “They’ll often come in before I have even unpacked the pearls,   out perfectly,” she said.
        and we will open the pearls together, and look at the pearls, and   “These sorts of requests are what keep me going besides my
        get really excited about the colours and shapes that come out,   own ideas,” she added.
        and then decide what to make together,” she added.    Most customers, Sandy says, are based in Fiji, Australia, New
         Adorn Pacific also collaborates with Hotglass Fiji.   Zealand, and the United States.
         “Alice [Hill] of Hotglass Fiji is very well known. I approached her   “We’ve  had  customers  who  arrive  in  Fiji,  catch  a  taxi  from
        and asked if she could make much smaller pieces of glass that   Nadi to Pacific Harbour, just to have a chat with me about what
        we could then drill and set on metals and make them wearable.   to make, and then return in another taxi to their hotel, which is
        We've been doing that for a few years now, so glass is a big   amazing and I'm so grateful,” she said.
        component of the business as well,” said Sandy.       With a few hundred dollars and a couple of samples, Adorn
         “I  want  to  make  something  new  every  day,”  the  dedicated   Pacific has grown to what it is today, with over 2,000 products
        entrepreneur said.                                  listed online and 35 stockists around the country.
         “I don't think of it [Adorn Pacific] as a business. I think of it as   “We  have  a  team  of  five  who  keep Adorn  Pacific  running.
        a creative outlet. I make whatever I feel like making. I try to push   And it's exciting to me to watch it grow. It's never plateaued. It's
        my own boundaries and challenge myself in the mediums that I   always evolving into something else. And I always have a plan
        use, and I think it just flows from there. I think people see that I   ahead. Whether it's a week or months ahead, I'm always thinking
        love to do what I do. And I take a lot of pride in it,” she said.   how to make Adorn Pacific better and bigger, and reach a larger
         “This year, we introduced resin as a new medium,” she said.  audience, and maybe introduce a new metal or new gemstones.
         One  special  request  involved  making  a  matching  necklace   It's like my baby so I want to see it grow,” said Sandy.
        set  for  a  mother  and  father  as  a  forever  keepsake.  “It  was
        very important for the couple to keep the umbilical cord of their

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