Page 14 - Fiji Traveller 2024 Issue 6
P. 14

Yasa guide

         Savusavu: A guide to Fiji's hidden paradise

          Savusavu Bay is one of Fiji’s most glorious stretches of water and most charming towns.
         Formed from the caldera of a volcano, the bay is home to marinas, wonderful swimming and
         snorkelling spots, and a world-famous pearl farm. The town itself provides many diversions,
         under and on the water, and on land.

         Things to do

          Diving and snorkeling                                J. Hunter Pearl Tour
          Since  1997,  fishing  has  been  banned  at  Namena  Marine   An interesting tour where you learn about the pearl farming
         Reserve, which means the sea life is spectacular at fancifully-  process  in  the  tempting  Savusavu  showroom  of  this  famous
         named sites like Dungeons and Dragons, Alice in Wonderland,   company, before jumping on a boat to see work on the pearl
         Dreamhouse  (frequented  by  schools  of  hammerhead  sharks)   farms in the bay. During our visit, workers were cleaning and
         and Dreadlocks. Just 35 minutes from Savusavu, Natewa Bay   checking  shells,  but  at  other  times  of  the  year  you  may  see
         is one of Fiji’s best-kept secrets, or you can journey on to the   women harvesting infant oysters, the full pearl harvest (usually
         Great Sea Reef.                                     March-May and August-October) or pearl technicians seeding
          Prime  snorkeling  sites  right  off  town  include  Split  Rock,   oysters. The tour finishes with snorkeling, at the clam nursery or
         Lighthouse, David’s Point and Nuggets. Some companies will   at Split Rock.
         take you to Namena or to visit Natewa.        
          Dive and snorkeling operators shops include:
                                      After  learning  about  the  time  it  takes  to  produce  chocolate
                                                             (from  bean  to  turtle)  at  KokoMana,  you’ll  think  twice  before
                              quickly  scoffing  down  a  chocolate  bar.  The  KokoMana  tour
                                                             includes an easy walk through the forest where cocoa and many
          Vuadomo Waterfall                                  other useful and beautiful plants thrive, a demonstration of the
          Vuadomo Waterfall is an easy drive from Savusavu, just near   different stages of chocolate production (harvest, fermentation,
         Vuadomo  Village.  While  there  is  no  official  entrance  fee,  you   drying, grinding) and then a tasting (and buying) session.
         should present your sevusevu at the village before proceeding;
         women from the koro also sell handicrafts. Don’t forget to dress
         appropriately/modestly in the village. You need to walk an easy   Also, check out Flora Tropica Gardens and its 300 varieties
         five  minutes  to  get  to  the  falls.  If  you’re  staying  at  a  hotel  in   of palms, the Namaka Hot Springs (where information boards
         Savusavu, they can also recommend guides.           explain the geological forces at work) and bustling Savusavu
          The  team  at  Savusavu-based  Liquidstate  Freediving  stress
         that freediving is not an extreme sport, but an ability we are all
         born with and recommend it to snorkelers, spearfishers, surfers,
         scuba divers, yoga practitioners and loves of nature. Courses
         start from a half day introductory experience.

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