Page 40 - Fiji Traveller Issue 4
P. 40

A place for adventure junkies

                                   and nature lovers

                                       Kila Eco-Adventure Park

         By Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti                         experience, a lack of confidence, or a lack of exposure. So when people
                                                             achieve stuff that they're terrified of, it's such a heartwarming thing to
          Kila Eco-Adventure Park is a destination that caters for thrill seekers,   see them feel so pleased with themselves.
         as well as visitors who prefer gentle strolls and immersing themselves in   "I’ve had rugby players sweating and looking anxious and scared. It’s
         Namosi’s verdant rainforest.                        not just the everyday person who’s fearful of heights, a lot of people
          The adventure park boasts luscious green vegetation, botanical   are, but when you are in a full-body safety harness with safety lines and
         gardens, mini waterfalls, picnic bures, a thrilling obstacle course, eco-  capable instructors, you have nothing to fear."
         walks, and a zip line. It is owned and run by Pleass Global Ltd., which   Cate says she is often in awe of visitors. "I take my hat off to them. I
         acquired 427 acres of land in Namosi and is developing it into an   have come across people who have had very low fitness levels get up
         integrated, multi-use community known as Kila World .  there, go around the course and on the giant swing, screaming their
          The adventure park is the vision of company director, Warwick   heads off, and I think it’s a wonderful experience for people."
         Pleass, who with his team started developing the site in 2009.  The safety lines, ancillary equipment, poles, and every element of
          “We have over 420 acres of land, so we developed a small section   the park are regularly inspected, and the instructors are trained by
         of it for our factories for Aquasafe and VaiWai, and we were thinking,   international experts from New Zealand and Australia.
         ‘What can we do with this land that will benefit the people of the   Senior instructor Lemeki Toma Jr—who has been with Kila since
         community nearby, the people of Suva, and tourists?’” Cate Pleass,  the   2009—says this included “two weeks of training by an ex-ACS (Army
         company's and marketing director, recalls.          Cadet Staff) military officer from Australia. It started off with learning
          "We used to come out here before the factory was built and go for   about each other and ended with high rope, low rope, obstacle course,
         walks in the rainforest. We thought so many people in Suva never get   and other training.”
         to experience this area, yet it's so beautiful, and it would be a wonderful   Pleass Global Ltd and Kila Eco-Adventure Park partner with the
         thing to have a health and fitness activity for people to visit on   local community, helping neighbouring villages through scholarship
         weekends and holidays," she adds.                   schemes, employing staff from local villages and more.
          Cate says it was important they created a destination that aligned   Tiritabua says, "I used to stay at home in the village, go fishing, go to
         with their principles of sustainability and did not jeopardise their   the farm. When this job came up, it gave me an opportunity to improve
         organic certification and protection of the water sources deep   my daily life and give back to my mum and dad."
         underground.                                          Future plans at Kila include a bike track through the park so visitors
          So what can you do at Kila Eco-Adventure Park?     can enjoy the simple pleasure of biking in the Namosi rainforest,
          The site has intensive high and low rope courses which are designed   breathing in its fresh air, taking in its natural sites and exploring the
         to help teams co-operate and bond and draw upon individual strengths.  farm and botanical gardens, which are filled with vanilla, pepper and
          The ‘Giant Swing,' a sort of bungee-jump from a 12-metre-high   many other interesting plants.
         platform, is both a crowd favourite and one of the most feared   If you would like to plan a visit to Kila Eco-Adventure Park, call
         challenges for many visitors. The adrenaline starts building as you climb   +679 9990883 or email as the park does not
         up to the platform. Once securely attached to two cables, you take a   take walk-in guests.
         leap of faith, and swing like a pendulum to the ground.  Once you confirm your booking, don’t forget to:
          One of the pioneer instructors at Kila, Navitalai Tiritabua, says:   •   Wear closed shoes
         "Sometimes we receive guests who have a fear of heights, but after   •   Dress comfortably
         jumping off and facing their fear, they leave here with a totally new view   •   Expect rain (it’s a common occurrence up in Namosi).
         on life and what they can accomplish."
          Cate agrees: "I think sometimes, people lack the confidence for
         a variety of reasons to do certain things, either through a lack of

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