Page 40 - Fiji Traveller Issue 3
P. 40
Paddling through ancient
farmlands in Mexico
By Samantha Magick eventually come to a chinamperos, a floating garden, where you
disembark for a ramble and explore, listen to presentations by
On the canals of Xochimilco, Mexico, it can feel like the most the biologists, plant seeds and sample produce.
picturesque things are the most damaging. For example, the A while into the presentation on Xochimilco’s natural and
vibrantly painted trajineras party boats? They’re polluting the human history, I confess I was a bit distracted by the delicious
delicate waterlands, say local scientists. The green channels smells emanating from the outdoor kitchen. The reward for our
that have you paddling through what appears to be a landmass? attention in our al fresco classroom was a delicious, simple meal
That’s lenteja de agua (water lentils) and lirio acuatico (water of salads, tamales, tortillas, and traditional breads (cocoles) with
lily); invasive species which by carpeting the water surface, herbal tea. All vegetarian, the meal really benefitted from that
block sun and oxygen from reaching the plants and creatures phenomenon where food tastes better in unpolluted fresh air-it
living underneath. was one of the best meals we had in Mexico (and we ate a wide
But there is a way to enjoy this historic and biologically variety of excellent food while we were there)!
important area as visitors at a slower and more thoughtful pace. After a couple of weeks soaking in the very urban attractions of
More than 10% of Mexico’s biodiversity can be found in the Mexico City, its galleries, museums, music, markets, food, street
wetlands, which sprawl over 6400 acres. The channels, which life, shopping, city parks and historical sites, it was wonderful to
are pre-Hispanic constructions, run over 100 miles. The farms be in nature again. Our guide Alejandra was knowledgeable, but
were built by the Aztecs from soil dredged from the canal beds. also sensitive enough to know that some moments of absolute
They are important to mitigate against flooding in Mexico City and serenity, when all you could hear was the movement of your
produce some 55 tonnes of vegetables daily for the enormous paddle through the water, was what we were seeking. We
city’s tables and kitchens. returned home thinking how wonderful it would be to open up
Humedalia—a group of biologists and farmers working at more of Fiji’s farms in this way to visitors, and so very grateful for
Xochimilco’s wetlands—offer tours of the area. After boarding our time in Xochimilco.
a canoe, you paddle through channels, your guides pointing
out the flora and fauna. Even after years of running the tour, Book Chinampas: Living an ancient culture through
their excitement when they spot a rare bird is palpable. You Airbnb Experiences