Page 10 - Fiji Traveller Issue 1
P. 10


                         DEEPER SOUNDS,
                     DEEPER CONNECTIONS
                                                                             DRUA HOMECOMING
               Deeper Sounds, Deeper Connections is a Pacific-Australian
             project which shares the unique music of the Pacific with the   The Swire Shipping Fijian Drua rugby club has
             world. Working with groups of musicians across the region, it   moved into its new home in Nadi.  The base in
             captures traditional instruments, melodies, songs and voices,   Legalega  was  opened  by  World  Rugby  Chairman,
             and distils them into sample packs for DJs, producers, film   Sir  Bill  Beaumont.  It  will  house  high  performance
             makers, music makers and Australian music schools.       and recreational  facilities  for  athletes  and  team
               Fiji’s Inoke Knox Kalounisiga was one of the first Pacific   management,  as  well  as  cater  for  offices  for  the
             artists on the Deeper Sounds, Deeper Connections project.   coaches, medical, analysis and welfare staff. Drua
             He worked with other Fijians: DJ Christopher Mallam,     CEO Brian Thorburn says they are delighted to finally
             Apakuki Nalawa, Zen Waqavonovono and  Australia’s DJ     be able to put roots in Nadi, after spending their
             SLUMBERJACK, to create ‘short snippets of tribal tracks’.  inaugural season based in Australia, and “truly stay,
               Kalounisiga says that anyone can access the tracks.    train and play at home. The Drua will play six home
               “We are also looking at distributing them in music schools   matches in Fiji in next year’s season.”
             here in Australia so that they can learn more about Pacific
             Island  music,  influences  and  some  of  the  unique  cultural
             sounds,” says Kalounisiga. The recordings were all done in
               To hear the  Deeper Sounds, Deeper Connections sam-
               You can read more about the project on the Fiji Traveller             UNITED
                                                                           The always innovating Rise Beyond the
                                                                         Reef has launched its latest collection.
                                                                           Named Cokonaki, which means a united
                                                                         preparation in gathering stock for the future,
                                         HOT STUFF                       it features the usual RBR mix of geometric
                                                                         and organic prints in joyful colours. Rise
                                    For  decades,  the  Nakama  Hot      Beyond the Reef works with more than 500
                                  Springs, located  in the heart  of     women  to  build  the  capacity  of  rural,  re-
                                  Savusavu  Town, has been used          mote women to rise. “On the back of Covid,
                                  as a local kitchen, a place to cook    significant  storms,  and  ongoing  isolation,
                                  food using nature’s energy. Now        our work together is in a constant cycle of
                                  visiting the steamy springs is more    preparation for what’s next. Celebrating the
                                  informative, with an upgrade of the    beauty and indigenous identities along the
                                  site seeing installation of boards     way as we cokonaki for the future together,”
                                  describing the area’s geology and      the organisation says.
                                  geothermal processes at work.  
                                  There are also comfortable shaded
                                  places  to  sit  and  basalt  columns
                                  marking the points of the compass;
                                  just bring your own kana!

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