Digitising the Fiji Museum

The Fiji Museum has been awarded a US202,259 grant to complete a full digital documentation of its holdings, making them accessible online to people everywhere.

US Chargé d’affaires Tony Greubel said his government’s partnership with the museum “will support the museum in collecting, recording, digitising, preserving, and sharing objects and research materials that tell an important story about Fiji’s history and its people.”  

Fiji Museum Board deputy chairperson Michael Yee Joy said the museum collections had never been audited, and this was their “first major significant step to ensure that all objects bequeathed and loaned to the Fiji Museum will have their stories documented and shared for our people and their communities to learn, understand and appreciate.”

The project will include research, visitation to our various communities, working with practitioners and elders, organising storytelling sessions, and youth education programs.

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