Lancaster Press Printmaking Workshop

Lancaster Press, Fiji’s only fine Art print making studio is conducting hand printing workshops with full tuition in linocut and mono-print with master printer Peter Lancaster.

No experience required , just an idea !

Workshops are from 10.00am to 4.00pm, all materials included

1 day workshop – $120

1 day workshop package including accommodation for one night $220

Fully equipped house with 3 queen size bedrooms, full kitchen and dining/living space located on the Coral Coast outside Sigatoka in a lush garden with panoramic views and in-ground pool. Ideal weekend get-away

Coffee and Tea provided

Please bring lunch / Dinner with you. Take away food is available close by

Lancaster press Art gallery is located onsite showing local and international artists.

Open Wednesday to Saturday 10-4.00 or by appointment

For bookings and enquiries or to be added to our mailing list please contact Dinah or Pete on

M: 679 9362349 M: 679 804 3886

E: en*******@la****************.com

Lancaster Press printmaking workshop
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